Pure Democracy

Democracy, an eight-letter word that is deployed practically eight hundred times in every political conference, letter, or even recommandations a day. It is a word linked with every military intervention, battle, civil war, and even small-scaled political disputes, however, the ceaseless question that repeats it self; Is the right structure of democracy utilized ?

It is well known in most communities that people elects their representatives, who governs them, claiming the only slogan, people is ruling themselves in a temporary manner, and that is reasoned to the hymn of direct democracy weighing high when it comes to its utilization for enacting legislation or any affective decision in the government, however, the deliberately misheard matter, is that numerous resolutions and legislation are being heavily scathed down by people and some, previously and frequently, triggered massive public disruptions as a result. A question could be asked here, are people interests being fulfilled predominantly in representative democracy? And what can pure democracy yield?

Direct democracy, applied for the first time in the state of Athene, Greece, fifth century before Christmas Era, is the basic morph of democracy, in which people decide purely by themselves the political initiative of their country, a petition signed by number of people, enacting a law or giving an approval for a certain deed. Nowadays, the advance of technology permitted the usage of electronic gadget for the sake of choosing what they want in daily basis and trace their foreign and internal policies. Besides, the process results in hundred percent pure citizens decisions, which by its way leads to a ruling system with no foreign or personal interests achieved, thus, a complete community volitions fulfilled. Summing up after all, direct participation of citizen in choosing and making decision is the key factor for the potential persistence of the democratic systems all along the globe, it is the only way for people’s wills attained, and for avoiding any future dictatorships along with the syndrome of foreign countries slavery...

By Hadi Ismail and Maria Abdallah

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